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Woman answering call Many businesses around the globe are thinking of expanding to new and exciting opportunities, but there is a certain fear within regarding outsourcing.

Many businesses have plans to try out new and exciting opportunities but fear the thought of the unknown and eventually hold themselves back from progressing .

There are numerous fears that stop an organisation from taking the decision of outsourcing some organisational processes to an external agency. These fears stem from the basic security concerns that organisations have, and can be mitigated by actually engaging with an outsourcing company.

Here we look at some of the most common fears within organisations when it comes to outsourcing some processes to a telephone answering service. Go through this list and form an understanding of what is holding organisations back:

Safety Concerns

Most organisations are often very particular about their data and the personal information pertaining to their business. They have a hard time giving access to that information to an external agency.

The safety of organisational data and information is often one of the top concerns for many organisations. They shy away from outsourcing their organisational work because of the very reason that they fear seeing their data and private information leaking. These safety concerns can be mitigated by understanding how their data is protected by the outsourcing agencies they work with. With GDPR this is now very important and whoever you outsource to should be able to protect your data. I know we are very protective of all our information and the companies who we work with are also very well protected.

Loss of Control

Companies fear handing over control of important parts of their organisation to a third party. The biggest factor playing in the mind of organisations here is that they might no longer have a say in the way their business is run after such a decision.

Most organisations fear loss of control over their processes, because they think that the company they are outsourcing to wouldn’t be fully committed to servicing them well. This requires a certain amount of trust within the company you are outsourcing to.

In Telephone Answering.Biz we work with your processes and make sure the service you receive is bespoke to your business. Most telephone answering services will not offer a bespoke service, (simply put other telephone answering just don’t have the experienced staff to do this) but we feel this is essential to your business. After all you need to be sure we are all a part of the same team not some anonymous company you have not seen or met.

Lack of Commitment

Again, this spurs from the lack of trust that organisations have in the company they are outsourcing their work to. Most organisations and managers feel that outsourcing their work to an external agency would mean lack of commitment from their side. This can either be the case of poor experiences in the past or hearing poor experiences from someone in the market. However, it should be clarified here that while some organisations have had poor experiences with outsourcing, the majority have had a good experience, with outsourcing . Many organisations that make their way to an outsourcing agency, often stick with them for the long term. We still have our very first client after 12 years and most stay with us for five years plus. We like to build that special relationship with all our clients and make sure we have the team for your business not just another number but a real person whom you will get to know and trust.

We know you would want to achieve specific goals for your business, which is why we at, are here for you. Try our 14-day free trial now for a better experience.

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540