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Virtual Handshake

Budgeting is an important activity at almost all accountancy and audit firms. An accountancy firm would want to optimise its budget in such a way that all costs are justified. Accountants must have a clear distinction between the jobs that should be managed in-house and others that can be handed over to an outsourcing firm.

One of the most important functions that accountancy firms should consider outsourcing is their telephone answering services. Outsourcing this function may seem costly at first, but its benefits far outweigh its cost. Telephone answering services play an important role in expanding your business  and ensuring that your organisation is always connected to its clients.

Here, we look at some of the ways that a telephone answering service can help an accountancy firm in servicing their clients in a better manner. Go through these points and make your decision on whether or not you need a telephone answering service for your business:

Virtual Receptionist

For many accountancy firms, a real-life receptionist can greatly enhance their client services. Most accountancy firms operate on a tight budget and don’t have the resource to get a real receptionist for their offices. Instead, accountancy firms should go for telephone answering services because of the convenience they offer.

Instead of paying someone to wait for your phone to ring, accountants will find it better to pay a virtual receptionist for picking up calls. Virtual receptionists can do pretty much everything that a real-life receptionist can do, including picking up calls and transferring them to you.

We know from experience that accountants benefit greatly with a telephone answering service for client acquisition.

Live Chat

You can reduce your dependency on humans further by installing live chat on your website . Potential clients can chat with a live person handling the chat. This would greatly increase your customer service and attract more clients to your business. Live chat is very easy to install by your web developer.

We know you would want to achieve specific goals from your call answering , which is why we at, are here for you. Try our 14-day free trial now for a better experience

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540