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Office Lady photocopyingTelephone answering services offer much more than just answering calls for businesses. They can help you with provide customer services such as helplines, sales lines for order taking, appointment booking, reception services, business continuity and more. Appointing a telephone answering service is a shrewd investment in your business.

Growing your company

Company growth is what business owners need to focus on and taking on a telephone answering service will free up precious time and money to invest in other growth areas, not the hidden back room functions, which are essential but don’t necessarily grow the business.

Customised service

A good telephone answering service will understand the need for customised service and messages and will work with you to deliver call flow that suits your business. In turn this will help your business to grow customers and nuture the ones you already have.

Virtual receptionist

Business models are changing and for many businesses gone are the days of having a dedicated receptionist in the office or building. With the miracles of modern technology your telephone answering service can transfer calls to the relevant people with your organisation, without even being on your premises.

Customer support

Customer queries and complaints are usually focused around a few keys areas and so these can usually be handled by a telephone answering service. They will work with you to identify the solution paths and follow these to help your business grow and maintain your positive image.

Flexible service to your business

Your telephone answering service should work with you and be ready to receive and implement updates for your business depending on what they do for you. These changes should be implemented in hours. So if they are taking sales orders for you, you’ll need to keep them up to date with sales, discounts, and packages being offered by your business.

Booking appointments

A live call answering service also provides scheduling and appointments. Not only will it provide this through calls, but live chat as well. The latter helps deliver a more streamlined experience for the customer and allow fewer misunderstandings and miscommunication.

Caring Attitude

All too often we make calls and speak to people or automated services and we leave feeling uncomfortable. Your service must be sympathetic to your types of callers and be efficient in what they do for you. Above all they must leave a good impression of your business.
If you’re looking for a good, friendly but efficient telephone answering service, then give us a call at Telephone Answering Biz. We offer a 14 day free trial so we can demonstrate what we can do for you.

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540