A professional telephone answering service is value for money and we can prove it. We’ve over 15 years of experience. Contact us today for your free trial. Skip to main content

Yes. In this article, we’ll give you all the value inherited from a dedicated and professional telephone answering service.

We’ll look in detail at all the benefits for your business:

  • Offer a competitive service.
  • The dangers of a cheap telephone answering service
  • Money saving
  • Smooth operators
  • Capture every business opportunity


  • Increase revenue.
  • Punch above your weight
  • Time-saving

What do you know about your competition? How are you outpacing their offering? Having a dedicated and professional telephone answering team gives you a competitive advantage.

The dangers of a cheap telephone answering service

There’s always a cheaper service. They usually charge by the minute but use a script, so they sound like bots and very impersonal. These companies work on how long they can keep your customers on the phone so increasing their revenue but giving your company a bad service. After all, would you like to be asked to answer the same question over and over again?

But what is the real cost? Unhappy customers, missed calls, wrongly answered queries, the receptionist just doesn’t know your business or team, unexploited revenue opportunities and feedback that could add value to your product or service. The real danger is damage to your reputation. Is it really a cheap service or have they just put on an operator to just answer your calls just for revenue.

A telephone answering service is the front line. Your customer or client’s first impression should be of the highest quality. That first impression will add to one of the most important aspects of marketing, word-of-mouth. A cheap telephone answering service is going to rely on outsourced operators, poorly trained and unmotivated. Can you afford to go for the cheaper option? An option that will damage your brand, it is an option that isn’t saving money, it’s costing you money.

Money Saving

A trained virtual receptionist is the voice of your brand. They are dedicated and highly motivated and they will save you money by placating complaining customers and winning them back.

About Telephone-Answering.com

We established our company in 2007. Our ethos is simple. To give excellent service at an affordable cost. Try our 14-day FREE trial.

Smooth Operators

Dedicated virtual receptionists will use their experience and training to smooth customer care and business processes. They will present your business and your offering to callers to the highest order. They can think, unlike an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and can call on the combined knowledge of the team. Not only will they smooth over any problems a customer may have experienced they will also have the opportunity to turn a complaining customer into an advocate for your brand.

Capture every business opportunity.

An automated telephone answering system cannot engage with your customers and leads. An answering service, staffed by professionals does. Such a team will have their ears open for customer satisfaction and gather the information that can aid your business.

Increase revenue.

Satisfying a customer’s query often results in improved customer satisfaction. Listening to customers who are having issues considering and placating them will keep them happy and retain them as a customer.

Punch above your weight

There’s a subsidiary of Apple Computer that has two meeting rooms. One is called ‘smoke’ and the other is called ‘mirrors.’ They were so effective in presenting themselves as a large organisation that people when they knew, were shocked to find out their entire UK operation consisted of less than ten people.

A telephone answering service presents your business to the world as one of substance. Even if you are a small company with limited staff. Being able to present a seemingly large organisation to the world is going to magnify your business reputation.


It’s not just money you’ll be making with such a service. You’ll also be making time. Your telephone calls are dealt with, your customer service exceptional and you are screened from the pain of salespeople cold-calling you and taking up your precious time. The limited staff you may have will also gain valuable time and they will become more productive as they can focus on the variety of tasks they have to deal with daily.


We have a highly experienced telephone answering service. Call us today on 01582 540540 and start getting value for money and saving time. With an outsourced, professional, team you’ll be cutting down on the heads your business employs without cutting down on a quality service

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Email: rita.shah@telephone-answering.biz
Phone: 01582 540540