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legalThe sensitive nature of a law firm necessitates employing professionals with an understanding of what’s at stake.

Law firms have a diverse number of clients. Most of the clients are grief stricken and are looking for decisive solutions to their problems. They ring your hotline expecting you to steer them away from whatever ails them. So, imagine the horror when your potential customer rings you up only for a monotonic robotic voice to greet them with a generic message about calling you later. You know those voicemail messages that start with your call is important to us etc

That pushes away customers.

We understand that you can’t tend to the phone all the time because you have a business to run.

Enter virtual receptionists!

These professionals are trained to pick up the phone without a moment’s notice and greet your customers with a warm welcoming message. This makes them a great addition to your law firm. Here are 4 reasons why you need a virtual receptionist.

It Isn’t Expensive

No it’s not going to break the bank. If anything, the number of clients a virtual receptionist funnels your way results in direct contribution to your bottom line. This isn’t a hassle with virtual receptionists who are not only fully trained but also charge by the number of messages per month a great one will even filter the spam out without charge. It is certainly better than hiring a full time in-house receptionist who might need training and on-boarding.

Plus, when you factor in other costs such as a full-time salary, benefits, and health insurance, it’s a cost-effective solution.

Your Customers Are More Satisfied

When customers are greeted with a warm, welcoming, human voice, they tend to become less sceptical of your services. They feel satisfied in the knowledge that their request is being handled by a professional who can forward their call to the right person. This has a direct impact on customer satisfaction levels.

The bottom line is that you won’t miss another phone call by getting a virtual receptionist on board. This means no more missed business opportunities for your law firm.

You Become More Efficient

Even when you have a full time assistant on board, a virtual receptionist helps relieve some of the burden for your employee. Your full time assistant could very well be drowning in endless piles of paperwork and sending loads of emails on the dot, maintaining your calendar and answering a stream of phone calls.

It can become more than a handful for even the most trained professional to juggle between so many responsibilities. A virtual receptionist makes your assistant more efficient and handles phone calls with professional finesse.

Performing Damage Control

Suppose your client isn’t happy with your service and decides to ring you up for clarification. At this point all they need is a reassuring voice over the phone to tell them everything is okay.

When their call doesn’t reach the right person, it only gets more frustrating for your client. This could result in you losing important business. Virtual receptionists ensure that your call is always transferred to the right person. If that isn’t possible, they can buy you time until it becomes possible to handle the call.

At Telephone-Answering.Biz our virtual receptionists help you monitor and manage your customers so you can focus on growing your business. To find out more about our services and rates, contact us today.

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540