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Do you know what percentage of your business calls you currently answer? If not, you could be missing out on a lot of additional revenue.

Not sure how call answering helps to improve your customer experience? Keep reading to discover why you need to focus more of your efforts on call answering. Plus, find out how you can answer more calls and save money at the same time.

1. Call answering instils confidence in your brand.

If someone is going to part with their hard-earned money, they will want to make sure they are investing in a reputable business.

By call answering, rather than letting their calls go to voicemail or, even worse, allowing them to ring out, you are showing your customers that they can rely on you. This, in turn, instils confidence in your brand and adds value to the products or services you are providing.


2. Call answering reduces waiting times.

If a customer has a question or query about one of your products or services, they may not have the time to wait for you to get back to them. While many people may choose to send an email if they cannot get through the first time on the phone, the average turnaround time for a business email response is a whopping 24 hours.

However, you can provide around-the-clock assistance by using a telephone answering service, also known as a virtual receptionist.

Why Call Answering Adds Value

3. Call answering improves customer service

Maintaining high levels of customer service is vital in today’s competitive marketplace, so you need to make sure you are doing everything it takes to respond to your customers’ needs.

Now more than ever before, consumers expect superior service from their preferred brands, or they will take their business elsewhere. By answering your calls in both a timely and professional manner, you show your customers that you care about their needs and that you are on hand to help them whenever they need you.


4. Call answering improves your products and services.

As well as helping to improve the level of customer service that you provide your customers with, call answering can improve the products and services you offer.

While you may not welcome phone calls surrounding a complaint, you can find out where you are going wrong and make any necessary changes by answering these calls.

You can also offer a more personalised apology which adds value to your customers.


5. Call answering increases staff productivity.

Your employees are the face of your business, and if they are happy, they will make your customers feel satisfied. In addition, if you choose to use an automated call answering service, your employees will be able to spend more time on other aspects of your business, such as long-term growth and the generation of ideas for new products.

This increased productivity can help to ensure a better level of service for your customers, which adds value to their overall experience. When competition is so tough, having the edge of providing a great experience could make the difference between a new customer and missing out.

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540