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Six Reasons Clients Use Our Service and How It Could Benefit Your Business 

Making a good first impression should always be a top priority, and at Telephone Answering, we are committed to supporting our clients’ businesses to help them do just that. We answer the telephone calls to your business for you, which gives your customers the impression that you provide a professional service. From telephone answering, virtual receptionist, diary management, and live chat services – we’ve got you covered.

At Telephone Answering, we care about what our clients think of the services we offer and regularly ask them for their feedback and ways in which they feel we could improve. The results of our most recent survey are in. Here are the top six reasons our clients continue to use our service and how outsourcing to Telephone Answering could benefit your business.

6 Reasons Clients use our telephone answering service1. No More Missed Opportunities 

One of the top reasons clients said they use Telephone Answering was to not miss out on any business opportunities. Running a company is not an easy task and having the peace of mind of someone always being at the end of the line while you are in meetings, honouring appointments, and serving customers means that you will never miss out on a business opportunity or booking again. If you constantly feel you are playing catch-up with returning calls and juggling voicemail messages, outsourcing the service might be for you.

2. Improved Customer Service 

Clients surveyed quoted improved customer service as another benefit that Telephone Answering provides. Happy customers equal increased sales in many cases. A never-ending calling tone when someone is trying to contact your business can give off a poor impression. In contrast, swiftly handled calls will tell your customers that you provide an efficient service and value their inquiry. Respondents to the survey said that they can better focus their attention on the customers who are right in front of them without worrying about incoming calls, which means they could provide a better service.

3. Better Work-Life Balance 

It’s not just missed opportunities clients said we prevent. For many of the small businesses we support, individuals said we help them to achieve a better work-life balance. This allows them to go on holiday, spend time with family, and generally take time off without worrying about the impression they give off to their customers.

4. Saves Time and Increases Capacity 

Time is valuable, and the respondents to our survey said that one of the top reasons they use the call answering and diary management services was to save them time. Clients noted that outsourcing these tasks meant they could utilise their time better as having a phone that is constantly ringing can distract them from the other important tasks they need to complete when running a business.

5. Cover For Breaks and Illness 

Another top reason the clients that answered the survey said they used our service was to provide phone cover for breaks and illness when there wasn’t the capacity within their existing in-house team to do this already. This keeps existing employees happy as they are not overstretched and also means that you have peace of mind when there is no one available to man the phones in your office.

6. Streamlines Remote Working 

With many teams based remotely, a common piece of feedback received was that using the telephone answering service helped to make remote working easier for businesses and their teams. It smoothed out any issues encountered while working from home and meant that customer needs were met.

The feedback received from our survey is clear; using the services provided by Telephone Answering made running a business easier. It helps to free up employees, improve customer service, save time, streamline remote working, provide cover for breaks and illness, improve work-life balance, and most important of all, ensure that no business opportunity is missed. If you think your business could benefit from the same, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540