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Happy business personGood customer support is an integral component of any business. This is especially true in case of small and medium-sized enterprises that are still struggling to find their footing in the market. Things are getting even more complicated thanks to new innovations that are keeping businesses busy. Live chat being one that is easily available to all businesses for a very small cost

Today’s customers have an attention span that barely lasts 10 seconds before they lose all interest and move on. In most cases, you have a very short window of time to grab your customers’ attention. Live chat makes it possible to engage your customers just as soon as they visit your landing page. Your staff members can instantly interact with customers and guide them to their first purchase.

Here are 5 reasons why small businesses need live chat.

1. It Is Effective

When your team is on the phone with customers, it can be harder to multitask. Live chat makes it possible to interact with many of these customers simultaneously. Most experienced sales reps can handle concurrent chats assisting anywhere from 3 to 6 customers without affecting the quality of support.All this productivity goes a long way in improving your bottom line by a considerable margin. A little known fact that most businesses don’t know is that introducing live chat increases your sales. Its instant as well.

2. It Is Convenient

Live chat offers convenience to customers who are still fishing for information. Your sales team can guide them instantly without spending too much time. This convenience goes a long way in building strong relationships with potential customers. It gives them the incentive to make their first purchase if they’re still having second thoughts about doing business with you.There’s no denying that customers enjoy the instant human connection that live chat provides. Studies have found that most customers prefer businesses that use live chat because they get their questions answered more quickly.

3. Builds Trust

The fact that help is only seconds away your customers feel more confident and comfortable when choosing you. They know it’s possible to get a hold of you if the product or service doesn’t live up to their expectations. This builds trust between your customers and you, enhancing your brand’s impression and the overall shopping experience.

4. Increases Customer Satisfaction

Live chat improves customer satisfaction since they don’t waste time in long queues or a phone call back from the company. Most customers who engage with your sales staff are also browsing and shopping your website simultaneously while they wait for their reply. This positive experience is a reliable means of increasing customer loyalty.

5. Helps You Understand Your Customers Better

If you don’t know your customers, you won’t be able to make a product or service that meets their expectations. Live chat provides your business with a treasure trove of data that can be analyzed to improve your products or services and marketing efforts.In the right hands, live chat can improve customer service and increase your bottom-line. provides you with an experienced and reliable customer service team to skilfully liaise with your customers. Click here for your 14-day free trial.

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