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ReceptionistA large percentage of business owners believe that having a simplistic voice mail is more than enough to handle the huge influx of clients that want to make enquiries about products and services.

Imagine if  the receptionist has either gone home or  left the phone unattended or away on holiday. A client calls in asking for information about a product or service your business had advertised somewhere. Upon dialling your number, they get redirected to a voicemail instead of a friendly voice that can provide them with useful pointers.

The voiceless message tells potential customers that your business isn’t always accessible and doesn’t have the time to engage them. The problem with customers is that they don’t have the time to stick around and wait for your receptionists to pick up their call the next time they dial in your number.

The customer simply goes to a competitor who might end up answering their phone instead of directing them to voice mail. What you’ve essentially done is pay for advertisement only for potential customers to end up going somewhere else.

This is where virtual receptionists come into the picture. There are several reasons your business could use their help. Here’s why you need one:

Never Miss Those Sales Calls

Customers calling your business are like an opportunity knocking on your door. You can’t let this sales opportunity slide but there are only so many calls your in-house receptionist can handle. You can overflow the excess calls to your telephone answering service and never miss an opportunity.

You Don’t Have to Hire a Receptionist

Receptionists are expensive to hire for small businesses, especially those that have restricted income and revenue. Virtual receptionists can save you a lot of money, and are therefore a much better option when compared to a full time in-house receptionist who would require employee benefits, health insurance and paid time off.

Help You Focus on Growing the Business

There are days when you are extremely busy improving your product or service. But you can’t afford to miss incoming calls either. This is where you have to make a sacrifice: it’s either the phone call or improving the quality of the product.

Either of these decisions doesn’t pan out well in the long run. For starters if the customer doesn’t like the product, they will likely go to your competitors and leave bad reviews where they can. And if you miss an important phone call, you lose out on the potential business. Trustworthy virtual receptionists help you focus on things that actually matter such as quality control, product improvement and research.

Personalised Services

The job of an in-house receptionist involves a lot of fire fighting. There are so many administrative duties that a lot of their time is spent managing schedules, interviews and other aspects of the business. This leaves out very little exclusive time to handle incoming phone calls, and when they do handle customers, their sales pitch comes across as rather lacklustre and poor service.

Virtual receptionists go the extra mile when it comes to understanding your product or service and  then addressing client queries in an efficient, personalised manner. is the market leader in the virtual telephone answering services industry. We add value to your company and help it make higher sales. Get your 14 day free trial today!

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540