After the Autumn budget we were left shell shocked at the impact due in April 2025 on businesses both small and large of the double whammy – increased minimum wage and increased employers NI.
We all know that to repair the country and economy we are going to be taxed but these added burdens on businesses, especially small businesses will hinder economic growth and will mean closures of businesses and therefore potentially increased unemployment, who is winning here?
Talking to some of our clients about how this will impact their business after April. Most have said they will have to increase their prices, hold recruitment, and deploy existing staff if they don’t make them redundant to protect their businesses and use more of our outsourced services like diary management and switchboard services.
We established our company in 2007. Our ethos is simple. To give excellent service at an affordable cost. Try our 14-day FREE trial.
Using Telephone Answering’s services will be more cost efficient as we can answer all their calls and help to manage their diaries and switchboards to save the cost of over £30k employing a receptionist including all additional associated costs (management, space, equipment etc). Instead of recruiting they can redeploy the receptionist to another role again so no increase in staffing costs.
How Will Your Business Achieve Growth?
Outsourcing has always been a great way to increase efficiency and cost for businesses, but most small businesses are unaware these services are not just for large businesses but all businesses.
By thinking out of the box and streamlining by using Telephone Answering Services and other outsourced services could be a life saver and help businesses grow and survive in what looks to be a bleak time. The cost to the business will be minimal with the added benefit of no missed calls and better customer service and capturing of more businesses sales.
Ready for your Two Week Free Trial and see what a difference Telephone Answering can make to your business.