Virtual receptionist engaging client over phone.
You would only expect your best employees to go the extra mile in your business. However, can you expect the same level of performance from your telephone answering service?
Going the extra mile is about doing more than just the bare minimum. It’s about helping your client in a thoughtful way that would benefit them more meaningfully than simply following the regular procedure. The idea is to represent the best interests of the customer by going beyond standard company protocol.
It is sometimes advisable to not go the ‘extra mile,’ especially if it involves breaching company policy. The trick is to engage the customer while remaining productive as per the metrics defined by the company. Handling disgruntled clients while offering something extra can be difficult at times, and it is not advisable in certain instances.
Our virtual receptionist will go the extra mile after due consultation with your executives and will do so in a matter that doesn’t adversely affect your business objectives.
Internal Policies
Going the extra mile could result in an indirect violation of certain company policies and procedures. Issues that might be deemed as a breach of your company policy will be first fully discussed with your executives and will only be acted upon once proper permission has been obtained.
How to Go the Extra Mile?
Going the extra mile requires the entire organisation to provide a high degree of support to our virtual receptionists. It is important to identify the proper mechanics, including procedures and processes of work performance before ‘going the extra mile.’ The best approach in customer service is to walk the client through each stage patiently.
What’s in It for Us?
It is only human nature for a person to think, “What’s in it for me if I go the extra mile?” And the simple answer to that is maintaining long-term relationship with businesses. Satisfied clients is critical for any business, and ours is no different. Our incentive is to keep you happy, and if that requires going the extra mile, then we’ll happily oblige. This is why we still have our very first clients still with us after over 12 years of business.
We liaise with you and your business executives to create a policy that works best for us both, allowing your virtual receptionists to make the most out of their interaction with your clients.
Clear Lines of Communication
In order to provide the best customer service, it is important to first get the basics right. Our virtual receptionists are highly trained and experienced when it comes to communicating with clients over the phone. It is common for callers to have different moods, from being vibrant and bubbly to hostile and angry.
Our virtual receptionists deal with all kinds of customers, and the best part is that they’re retained for the long haul, so your business keeps growing.
At telephone-answering.biz, our virtual receptionists go the extra mile, not just connecting your customers with a ‘voice,’ but also providing them with the complete, holistic experience. Your customers are greeted by a living person instead of being routed to a robotic voice mail, a problem that is quite common among many companies.