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Man ill in bedEngaging in meaningful business conversations with clients is easier said than done. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and if you are a budding entrepreneur running a small startup can quickly become a grim prospect.Some people are not good with time management. They end up getting distracted from the actual growth of the business by answering simple phone calls and engaging in a long distracting unproductive conversation. Others simply do not have the skills to properly engage with a client for several reasons. They may not like answering calls, but just like doing the work and see the phone as a distraction.For this reason, it makes much more sense to outsource to a call answering service that has been in the business for many years. Let the experts do the talking on your behalf. Let them take calls at times when you are busy. Your business can always benefit from a virtual assistant who can take those overflow calls for your business.

Time Is of the Essence

You and your staff may be busy and can’t answer the phone but your clients don’t see this. This call can come at an inconvenient time when you or your staff are unavailable or busy on a project. The potential client makes the call only to hear the answerphone indicating that you are busy or away.This not only pushes them away from your business, but makes you look unprofessional and unconcerned. This pushes your clients to a different service provider, simply because they were unable to reach you on the phone.

Rest assured that by hiring a telephone answering service, calls made to your business will be answered promptly. When it comes to scenarios where clients make enquiries, the PA will explain the services your business offers to the client in a friendly manner.

You should remember that in the current ecosystem of businesses and startups, the best rewards do not go to someone who is the ‘best’ in their field. The rewards go to the person who is able to communicate with their client when needed and in a professional manner

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Telephone Answering

Conquest House,
248 Toddington Road,

Phone: 01582 540540